Passion and professionality in the heart of Bologna
Antonio is the founder of Chiropratica Diquigiovanni, father to Matteo and Alessandro. He graduated in 1973 from the Memorial Chiropractic College in Toronto, Canada. The following year he is amongst the founders of the Italian Chiropractic Association. He starts to live in Bologna in 1977 and he quickly becomes a beacon for chiropractic in town. He opens the office in Via Fondazza in 1987 practicing in it for over twenty years before leaving way to his sons. To this date many patients still ask of him and his "healing hands".
Matteo graduated in 2002 from the Welsh Institute of Chiropractic (WIOC), UK. He grows professionally in York (UK) before returning to his hometown Bologna in 2005 to work in the family practice. He has specialised in analisys and treatment techniques as Applied Kinesiology, Sacro-Occipital Technque (SOT) and cranial work, implementing them in patient care both in simple and complex cases.
Alessandro graduated in 2006 from the Welsh Institute of Chiropractic (WIOC) in UK. He works three years in England, one in Finland and two in India where he studies Yoga and its use when combined with chiropractic. Since 2013 he works together with his brother Matteo in the family practice and has developed a particular interest in treating athletes of various sports and of every skill level, from professionals to amateurs.
Matteo e Alessandro are graduates of a university recognised by the Chiropractic Council on Education, a worldwide organisation for the accreditation of Doctor of Chiropractic degrees.